Encart Chimy Gallery
Gallery  Collections
Posters Frames  Framed Posters Fine Reproduction Hotel Fine Arts
كيف تنظم و تعلق الصور بالبراويز داخل غرفتك
    Hanging Wall Arrangements  4

Two chairs two tables

Framing any kind of collection -- whether quilt blocks, postcards, menus, or pieces of vintage wallpaper -- is a useful display technique. Use identical frames and hang the pieces in an organized grouping like this one.

                                                                      Other hanging Idea ------>

Encart Chimy Gallery.    1, Zakaria Ahmed St. Off 26 July - Down Town - Cairo 11111 - Egypt   &nbbsp; Tel :+202 - 5741430     010- 1435647   - 012-2525163